Ian Barrie
Manager of John T. Oxley Equestrian Center
Ian started his career at Cornell in 2007 at the Equine Park at the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM). He studied Animal Science at Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. After graduating in 2011, he continued to work for the CVM Equine Park before transitioning to Cornell Athletics in 2021 where he became the manager of the Oxley Equestrian Center. Ian spent several of his early years at CVM working at the Equine Park Annex, which was one of the first facilities in the US to operate as a USDA quarantine facility for contagious equine metritis. In addition to husbandry experience, Ian is responsible for the care of horses used in teaching and research at CVM, and he is now managing the care of sport horses used for Cornell Athletics. Ian also spent several years assisting the Cornell University Hospital for Animals' Surgery and Anesthesia sections, supporting recoveries of horses waking up from anesthesia at the Cornell's Equine and Nemo Farm Animal Hospitals.