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Cornell University

In the News

Cornell Equine is proud to share research news on Borrelia burgdorferi and nuchal bursitis in horses, recently featured at the 2024 AAEP Kester News Hour. This annual session at the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Convention highlights the most notable equine research of the year, underscoring its impact on veterinary practice.

A new Cornell initiative aims to make a positive impact on horses worldwide. Cornell Equine is a university-wide collaboration between equine researchers, educators, practitioners and athletes at the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM), the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and Cornell University Athletics and was launched at the end of 2024. 

Thursday, March 13 is Cornell University’s Giving Day.  This event encourages as many faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends of Cornell as possible to make a gift in one 24-hour period. This year, the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine is including the option to make a gift to support Cornell Equine, and we would like you to consider supporting this on Giving Day this year. To learn more and make a gift visit

The annual meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, held last month in Orlando, Florida, featured key talks and recognitions from Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) faculty and students as well as Cornell-trained equine practitioners and researchers, exemplifying the impact of the CVM on the field of equine health.

New research has resulted in the first high-resolution molecular picture of the equine endometrium

Margaret Whittington, D.V.M. Class of '25, talks about her six-week externship at The American Fondouk, an equid charitable hospital that provides free veterinary care to the working equids of Fez. 

The Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine celebrated the grand reopening of the Cornell Equine Park Wednesday, Nov. 13. The event comes after two years of construction and remodeling of the park on Bluegrass Lane.

Cornell Equine was launched  to the internal community at Zweig Research Day on 13th November. Faculty and visiting Zweig Committee members then gathered for dinner to celebrate the communities new collaboration. 

Hock arthritis can cause poor performance and lameness in horses. Learn how to manage your horse after a diagnosis of this common condition.

A study of horses revealed that 42% of miscarriages and spontaneous abortions in the first two months of pregnancy were due to complications from an extra set of chromosomes.